1. Montanaro G., Dichio B., Tuzio A. C., Modarelli A., Xiloyannis C., 2016. La Fertirrigazione per il pescheto, Notiziario regionale di agricoltura sostenible – nuova edizione - Agrifoglio, n. 56, February 2016 (pp. 9-15) - Article

2. Dichio B., Minnini A. N., Xylogiannis E., Montanaro G., 2016. Water resilient agriculture: sustainable irrigation strategies in fruit tree orchards, XI Giornate Scientifiche SOI, Bolzano, Italy, September 14th - 16th 2016 - Presentation

3. Dichio B., Tataranni G., Xylogiannis E., Montanaro G., 2016. Stomatal and hydraulic water transport factors in mycorrhizated olive trees, XI Giornate Scientifiche SOI, Bolzano, Italy, September 14th - 16th 2016 - Poster

4. Laterza D., Carlucci G., Manzardo A., Mininni A. N., Dichio B., 2016. Definizione dell’impronta idrica del ciclo vita dell’actinidia, XI Giornate Scientifiche SOI, Bolzano, Italy, September 14th - 16th 2016 - Poster

5. Dichio B., Tataranni G., Xylogiannis E., Montanaro G, 2016. Hydraulic and stomatal factors affecting water transport, ISHS SPWS 2016 - Sensing Plant Water Status - Methods and Applications in Horticultural Science, Potsdam, Berlin, Germany, October 5th - 7th, 2016 - Presentation

6. Morianou G. G., Kourgialas N.N., Psarras G., Koubouris G.C., Arampatzis G., Karatzas G.P., Pavlidou E., 2017. Agricultural interventions for water saving and crop yield improvement, in a Mediterranean area - an experimental design. EGU2017, Vienna, Austria, 23–28 April 2017 - Poster

7. Morianou G., Kourgialas N., Psarras G., Koubouris G., Karatzas G.P., 2017. Assessing environmentally sensitive areas to desertification - An application in two Mediterranean watersheds. Climate Changing Agriculture, International Conference, Chania, Greece, 29 August - 2 September 2017 - Poster

8. Psarras G., Kourgialas N., Morianou G., Koubouris G., 2017. Survey on orchard management practices applied in two olive growing areas of Crete, as compared to the approach proposed by LIFE AgroClimaWater project. Climate Changing Agriculture, International Conference, Chania, Greece, 29 August - 2 September 2017 - Poster

9. Arampatzis G., Pisinaras V., Hatzigiannakis E., Panagopoulos A., 2017. Developing drought action plans at farmers’ organization level in order to improve their climate change adaptation potential. Climate Changing Agriculture, International Conference, Chania, Greece, 29 August - 2 September 2017 - Poster

10. Pisinaras, G. Arampatzis, A. Panagopoulos, 2018. Developing flood action plans on the administrative level of farmers’ organization. Protection and Restoration of the Environment XIV, International Conference, Thessaloniki, Greece, July 3rd - 6th 2018 - Presentation

11.G. Arampatzis, V. Pisinaras, E. Pavlidou, N.Kourgialas, G. Psarras, G. Koubouris, E. Hatzigiannakis,G. Sismani and A. Panagopoulos, 2018. Improving water use efficiency at farmers’organization level. 6th International Conference on Olive Treeand Olive Products, Seville, Spain, October 15th – 19th2018 - Poster

12. Morianou G., Kourgialas N., Psarras G., Koubouris G., Sismani G., Pisinaras V., Arampatzis G., 2018. Improving the water efficiency of olive trees under proper agricultural interventions. 6th International Conference on Olive Tree and Olive Products, Seville, Spain, October 15th – 19th 2018 -  Poster

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